Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?
Letter from Nong Thongthong
A little girl wrote a letter to Khunkru Maiyai that she wants to make merit by offering one baht gold with him. Let's see how lovely she is.
ร่วมเป็นเจ้าภาพจัดพิมพ์ หนังสือมงคลชีวิตภาคภาษาอังกฤษ
ร่วมเป็นเจ้าภาพจัดพิมพ์ หนังสือมงคลชีวิตภาคภาษาอังกฤษ เพื่อเป็นธรรมบรรณาการมอบให้แก่นักเรียนระดับประถมศึกษาปีที่ 4 ถึงมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6 ที่เข้าร่วมโครงการสอบตอบปัญหาศีลธรรมเพื่อสันติภาพโลก ระดับเยาวชนครั้งที่ 4 (World Peace Ethics Contest for Young People 2011)
The Roads That Lead to Ruin
Many young recent graduates are usually diligent and focused when they start their first jobs. Some days they even work overtime with the hope of getting a big salary at the end of the month
Hand and Fire under water
The miracle of crystal sun occurred not only in Thailand and but also in American. What factors brought this happen? What are the retributions of killing animal? What is water sprite? DMC has the answers.
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#2
After parents learn that good children must not be troublesome, ignorant, or careless towards others, the question now is
First Disciple: the most seasoned in the Perfections
At the end of the Lord Buddha’s sermon, kondanna, the leader of the ‘Group of Five’, became a Stream-Enterer [sotapana]
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Love Mom For 24 Hours
She has made merit since she was young because her mother is her best friend who taught her to do. But she has not gone to the temple for a few years because she has to take care of her old mother. However, she does not stop making merit.
Actions of a Fool:
Our parents, our first role-model: Both children and young adults will observe the actions of adults around them and naturally copy what they are shown
I Brought You Carrots
Why were twin sister born as twins? Why did their parents have to give them to others to raise? Why did they have to be separated at a young age? DMC has the answers...